Package Versions: Changes between 1.4.2 and 1.4.3: -------------------------------- * Add - Firmware + Library: -> support of fip node watchdog timeout * Update - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_node_cfg (add: .watchdog_ustime field) Release date: 03-04-2024 Software versions: gateware >= 1.9.0 firmware 1.4.0 driver (linux) 1.4.0 driver (windows) 1.5.0 library 1.3.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.2.0 pwrfip_nsta 1.0.0 pwrfip_perf_long_frm 1.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.3.0 pwrfip_ping 1.0.0 mbfip_gateway 1.0.0 uafip_tsn_gateway 1.0.0 Changes between 1.4.1 and 1.4.2: -------------------------------- * Add - Library(Linux): -> new binary architectures (aarch64[arm64], arm[arm32]) * Fix - Firmware: false positive error (PWRFIP_VAR_NOT_MEANING) -> production status was erased (0x00) during async w_var operation Release date: 27-06-2023 Software versions: gateware >= 1.9.0 firmware 1.3.0 driver (linux) 1.4.0 driver (windows) 1.5.0 library 1.2.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.2.0 pwrfip_nsta 1.0.0 pwrfip_perf_long_frm 1.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.3.0 pwrfip_ping 1.0.0 mbfip_gateway 1.0.0 uafip_tsn_gateway 1.0.0 Changes between 1.4.0 and 1.4.1: -------------------------------- * Add - Driver(Windows): -> Microsoft WHQL Certification + Signature Note: Avoids code 52 during driver installation when secure boot is enabled Release date: 09-12-2022 Software versions: gateware >= 1.9.0 firmware 1.2.0 driver (linux) 1.4.0 driver (windows) 1.5.0 library 1.1.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.2.0 pwrfip_nsta 1.0.0 pwrfip_perf_long_frm 1.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.3.0 pwrfip_ping 1.0.0 mbfip_gateway 1.0.0 uafip_tsn_gateway 1.0.0 Changes between 1.3.3 and 1.4.0: -------------------------------- * Add - Firmware + Library: -> support of dynamic refreshment status (+ time infos for variables) -> support of variable long frames [experimental protocol extension]: - up to 505 bytes on copper medium - up to 1024 bytes on optic medium -> support of new FIP/WorldFIP bitrates [experimental protocol extension]: - 12.5Mbps and 25Mbps * Add - Tools (pwrfip_2sta/pwrfip_performance): -> node address parameter [-n] (vs [-s] before) -> silence us time parameter [-s] -> turn-around us time parameter [-r] -> pwrfip_performance: add extra check on consumed vars (check that all the frame bytes are incremented by one at each cycle) * Add - Driver(Linux) -> DMA transfer support (improvement of the access times in reading of the FIP controller) * Add - Tools: New examples -> pwrfip_perf_long_frm -> pwrfip_nsta -> pwrfip_ping * Add - Tools/Gateway(Linux): Open-Source Software Gateways -> mbfip_gateway: Modbus TCP <-> WorldFIP -> uafip_tsn_gateway: OPC-UA Pub/Sub TSN <-> WorldFIP * Update - Library: -> update min/max ranges time for silence/turn-around time * Update - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_var (add: .time_info field) -> struct pwrfip_node_cfg (add: .prtcl_ext field) * Update - Drivers(Win/Linux): -> sram cleanup during reset ioctl * Update - Firmware: -> startup after reset in 300us (vs 197ms) -> intern DMA implementation -> speedup code execution (optimization) -> risc-v soft cpu (1.6.4 -> 1.6.7) -> m isa extension (hardware multiplication support) Release date: 21-06-2022 Software versions: gateware >= 1.9.0 firmware 1.2.0 driver (linux) 1.4.0 driver (windows) 1.4.0 library 1.1.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.2.0 pwrfip_nsta 1.0.0 pwrfip_perf_long_frm 1.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.3.0 pwrfip_ping 1.0.0 mbfip_gateway 1.0.0 uafip_tsn_gateway 1.0.0 Changes between 1.3.2 and 1.3.3: -------------------------------- * Fix - Firmware: SRAM lock issue between DPM and MAU Release date: 28-03-2022 Software versions: gateware >= 0.35.0, < 1.6.0 firmware 1.1.1 driver (linux) 1.3.1 driver (windows) 1.3.1 library 1.0.2 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.1.1 pwrfip_performance 1.2.1 Changes between 1.3.1 and 1.3.2: -------------------------------- * Add - Library: -> Synchronous events allowed on ID_DAT request frame for FIP variables (prod/cons) * Update - Library: Enumeration(s): -> enum pwrfip_evt_type (add: PWRFIP_EVT_TYPE_PERMANENT_ID) Release date: 01-03-2022 Software versions: firmware 1.1.0 driver (linux) 1.3.1 driver (windows) 1.3.1 library 1.0.2 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.1.1 pwrfip_performance 1.2.1 Changes between 1.3.0 and 1.3.1: -------------------------------- * Add - Package(Win/Linux): Multiarch powerfip lib binaries -> windows: x86_64, i686 -> linux: x86_64, i386 * Add - Library + Drivers(Win/Linux): -> driver interface changes to allow running 32-bit programs in a 64-bit kernel * Update - Library(Win): -> remove libwinpthread-1.dll dependency for libpowerfip.dll * Fix - Library: incorrect node initialization for 32-bit apps Release date: 13-01-2022 Software versions: firmware 1.1.0 driver (linux) 1.3.1 driver (windows) 1.3.1 library 1.0.1 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.1.1 pwrfip_performance 1.2.1 Changes between 1.2.0 and 1.3.0: -------------------------------- * Add - Library: Function(s): -> pwrfip_error_get() -> pwrfip_sm_var_create() -> pwrfip_sm_identification_get() -> pwrfip_sm_report_get() -> pwrfip_sm_presence_get() -> pwrfip_sm_presence_list_get() -> pwrfip_sm_ba_sync_get() * Add - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_sm_identification -> struct pwrfip_sm_report -> struct pwrfip_sm_presence -> struct pwrfip_sm_presence_list -> struct pwrfip_sm_ba_sync * Add - Firmware: -> user reading of coprocessor local database allowed for produced variables -> the presence test scan (testp) of the bus arbiter automatically produces the variable SM-MPS 0x9002 on the network when the presence table changes -> add a new "BA stopped" event on network anomaly (on inconsistent end BA window epoch) * Add - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: -> get SM-MPS information from a remote node * Update - Drivers(Win/Linux): change on struct pwrfip_dev_infos * Update - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_dev_infos (add: .fsn field) -> struct pwrfip_msg_addr * Fix - Firmware: increases the MAU module resilience to network interferences Release date: 07-01-2022 Software versions: firmware 1.1.0 driver (linux) 1.3.0 driver (windows) 1.3.0 library 1.0.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.1.0 pwrfip_performance 1.2.0 Changes between 1.1.0 and 1.2.0: -------------------------------- * Add - Firmware: Periodic/Aperiodic message service: -> RP_DAT_MSG -> ID_MSG -> RP_MSG_ACKe/RP_MSG_ACKo/RP_MSG_NOACK -> RP_ACKe+/RP_ACKo+/RP_ACKe-/RP_ACKo- -> RP_FIN * Add - Library: Periodic/Aperiodic message service: -> pwrfip_msg_create() -> pwrfip_msg_delete() -> pwrfip_msg_tx_channel_purge() -> pwrfip_msg_send() * Add - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_msg_cfg -> struct pwrfip_msg_tx_cfg -> struct pwrfip_msg_rx_cfg -> struct pwrfip_msg_addr -> struct pwrfip_msg_hdr -> struct pwrfip_msg * Add - Drivers(Win/Linux): mailboxes init/exit + firmware load + sensors getter * Add - Driver/Lib (Linux): launch powerfip apps without admin rights * Add - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: -> aperiodic message test -> change on the IDs: - periodic: 0x3800, 0x3801 (vs 0x8426, 0x8427) - aperiodic: 0x7800, 0x7801 (vs 0x8322) -> ping/pong error counter -> messages rx/tx statistics * Add - Tools: pwrfip_performance: -> periodic message test -> messages rx/tx statistics * Update - Drivers(Win/Linux): change on struct pwrfip_event * Update - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_node_msg_cfg (add: .tx_aper_fifo_size, .tx_per_fifo_size[8], .tx_per_fifo_id[8] fields) -> struct pwrfip_node_infos (add: .bss_bsz and .bss_max_bsz fields) -> struct pwrfip_event (add: .reserved[2] field) * Fix - Driver(Linux): udev rules Release date: 07-12-2021 Software versions: firmware 1.0.0 driver (linux) 1.2.0 driver (windows) 1.2.0 library 0.9.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 2.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.1.0 Changes between 1.0.3 and 1.1.0: -------------------------------- * Add - Firmware: Aperiodic variable service: -> RP_DAT_RQ1/RP_DAT_RQ2 -> ID_RQ1/ID_RQ2 -> RP_RQ1/RP_RQ2 * Add - Library: Aperiodic variable service: -> pwrfip_varidlist_aper_request() -> pwrfip_varlist_aper_request() -> pwrfip_var_aper_channel_purge() * Add - Library: SM-MPS variables support: Note: Automatically managed by the library -> Identification (0x10XY) -> Report (0x11XY) -> Presence (0x14XY) -> Presence Check (0x9002) -> BA Synchronization (0x9003) * Add - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_node_ident_cfg * Update - Library: Structure(s): -> struct pwrfip_node_ba_cfg (add: .priority field) -> struct pwrfip_node_cfg (add: .ident and .pwrfip_ba_sync_handler fields) -> struct pwrfip_var_cfg / struct pwrfip_var (add: .user_ctx field) * Add - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: -> Presence test during the macrocycle's aperiodic variable window -> Test of aperiodic variable lists requested by the node address 0 * Add - Tools: pwrfip_2sta/pwrfip_performance: fip bitrate input parameter [-b] Release date: 19-10-2021 Software versions: firmware 0.9.0 driver (linux) 1.1.0 driver (windows) 1.1.0 library 0.8.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 1.1.0 pwrfip_performance 1.0.4 Changes between 1.0.2 and 1.0.3: -------------------------------- * Add - Drivers(Win/Linux): MSI support [prevent shared interrupts] * Add - Driver/Library(Win): Mailboxes processing inside the driver * Add - Library: High thread priority for internal thread (dev_irq_handler) * Add - Tools: session stats (event duration + occurrence) + realtime priority level (proc priority class) * Update - Driver/Library: pwrfip_dev_infos structure (add: device index) * Update - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: Remove aperiodic variable reading [0x8322] [not yet supported by coprocessor] * Fix - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: Remove printf inside the event loop [may cause disruptions in processing times] Release date: 21-09-2021 Software versions: firmware 0.8.1 driver (linux) 1.1.0 driver (windows) 1.1.0 library 0.7.2 tools: pwrfip_2sta 1.0.3 pwrfip_performance 1.0.3 Changes between 1.0.1 and 1.0.2: -------------------------------- * Update - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: Remove aperiodic variable request [not yet supported by coprocessor] * Update - Tools: pwrfip_2sta: Decreases the refreshment and promptness frequencies for the variables IDs 0x8426 and 0x8427 [16ms -> 20ms] * Fix - Tools: Time measurement for win os (get_elapsed_us) * Fix - Tools: Disable colorization for win console that do not support it Release date: 11-08-2021 Software versions: firmware 0.8.1 driver (linux) 1.0.0 driver (windows) 1.0.0 library 0.7.1 tools: pwrfip_2sta 1.0.2 pwrfip_performance 1.0.2 Changes between 1.0.0 and 1.0.1: -------------------------------- * Add - Drivers Win: First version * Add - Lib: Windows 10 support * Update - Tools: Windows 10 support * Update - Packages/Linux/Win: Add powerfip shared library (so, dll) * Update - Docs: Windows installation * Update - Firmware: Minor fixes Release date: 04-08-2021 Software versions: firmware 0.8.1 driver (linux) 1.0.0 driver (windows) 1.0.0 library 0.7.1 tools: pwrfip_2sta 1.0.1 pwrfip_performance 1.0.1 1.0.0: First Version -------------------------------- Release date: 05-07-2021 Software versions: firmware 0.8.0 driver (linux) 1.0.0 library 0.7.0 tools: pwrfip_2sta 1.0.0 pwrfip_performance 1.0.0